Monday, December 28, 2009

Hilarious Outtakes @ i<3Faces

Have you ever tried taking a picture of your child, your family, or a friend and something just not come out right? Maybe your friend was picking something out of their teeth or a family member had their hairpiece a little offcenter & was in the middle of adjusting....or maybe your child was caught picking their nose.
Well, none of those examples I have yet to experience firsthand. :-)
I do have some other, rather hilarious (in my opinion) outtakes of my son that I can share!

We love to take visits to the zoo, and here K got a little startled by the howling monkies. I was aiming for a cute little smile & this is what I got!

K is always a big cheeser and in this picture I was trying to take advantage of him being a ham. Well, if you haven't noticed...that would be a toilet in the background :-) and my niece decided she wanted to flush it. So, in return I got this from K when he heard the flushing sound!

This is my all time favorite outtake of K. My sister let me borrow her new camera & once again I was aiming for a smile. Well, her camera has this fancy flash & he was totally not expecting such a bright light in his face. I laughed for a good five minutes after I saw the shot I got!

Make sure you head over to iHeartFaces & get yourself a good dose of laughter from all the other Hilarious Outtakes!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December?? Lookout!!

As fast as December approached, it feels like it's going by quickly already. There's lots of exciting plans that lie ahead. These should get me out of my weak state and in the mood for the holidays. I'm hoping to check out the Christmas parade this weekend. It's a tradition that I hope to continue, no matter where we live. I would like to take K to see the dinos at the State Museum on Sunday, mostly because it's the cheapest day to go. They have dollar days every first sunday of the month, so it's definitely worth it when you throw in the extra four dollars for the dinos. I'm hoping that K doesn't freak out, but even if he does it's not too much money wasted.
Then, next weekend is Christmas Keno with the girls..which I miss too much! I've already bought both the gifts, from Hobby Lobby :-) I love that place and I'm sure the girls who get the gifts will love them too. My niece's 6th birthday party is the next day and she's got a them this year... "Under the Big Top". Let me just mention something real niece has decided that instead of getting gifts this year, she's asked that each child bring an unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots. Her birthday actually falls on Christmas Eve, so she gets a ton of presents. Since she's not in need of many new things, she figured this would be a better solution. I am very proud of O and can't wait to celebrate her big day next weekend!
As soon as you know it..Christmas will be here and then New Year's day. I believe we're almost done shopping for K, we just need to get him his big ticket item and some stuff for his stocking. This year was so much easier than last. K has one thing he's interested in, and that's the Disney movie "Cars". It's been fun to shop because we know exactly what to get him. Plus I think it'll make opening presents even more fun, knowing that he'll be gasping with joy over all the Lightning McQueen items...I can't wait!
This year has gone by way too fast for me, but it's been a great year! I'm looking forward to starting a new year with my family and hoping 2009 goes out with a bang (a good one) and that 2010 will be just as great as this year.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has quickly approached us all and it's a time to give thanks to the people (and things) in our life. Each year, J and I head to mine or his family's house for a feast and time spent with each other. This year, we thought it was going to be different. It was supposed to be at our house, since it's our first year living apart from both families. Unfortunately, his parents made other plans and (me being the "cook" that I am) my parents decided it was best to come to them since she was cooking the meal.
I am thankful for my mother, for preparing our whole meal..even if it's just for the five of us. I'm thankful for the relationship we have...I'm very grateful for everything she has done and continues to do. I'm proud to call her my mother.
I'm thankful for my husband, who loves me unconditionally and takes such good care of me. I'm very, very thankful he chose me to be his wife and the mother of his children...I wouldn't have it any other way.
I am thankful for the healthy, little boy who calls me Momma. For seeing his handsome face every morning when I wake up and every evening when we lay to sleep. I'm thankful that I get to see him grow and learn and love. I'm thankful to be a mom.
I'm thankful for the family and friends I have. Even through all the ups and downs in mine and their life, they've been here for me and vice versa. I'm thankful for two beautiful sisters, my many grandparents, my fathers and mothers...aunts and uncles. Thank you for being my family. Thank you for being my friend. Without you, my life is not complete
And last, but most definitely not least....
I'm eternally grateful and thankful for my savior, Jesus Christ, who blessed me with these people that are in my life. Thank you!

And just to throw it in there, for a little humor :-) Here are some "materialistic" things I'm thankful for.

  • for the invention of DVR, because being able to go back and have some me-time with my favorite shows is so nice after a day playing with K
  • the roof over my head...having a place to call home is a blessing
  • the clothes on my back, to keep me warm or cool with whatever the weather is
  • cameras, so I can capture all those once in a lifetime shots of K and others
  • for the food I eat to stay healthy and alive *even if some choices aren't so healthy ;)*
  • for the celebrities who make movies, so my husband and I can have one of those few and far between dates. And for those movies that are made that you love and wish life could just be that easy or love could be so easy. I love movies

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! May your stuffing be tasty May your turkey be plump, May your potatoes and gravy Have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious And your pies take the prize, And may your Thanksgiving dinner Stay off of your thighs! :-)

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name. Psalm 100:4

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Life...It makes you think!

Life is full of surprises, good and bad. I prefer the good surprises but only some can be so lucky. This past week, life definitely surprised me....and a couple of my friends, too. I'm a part of a playgroup where I live and the moms range anywhere from 21 years old to 38. Yesterday morning, we all recieved the news that one of the moms had suffered a heart attack and was in the hospital on a breathing tube. This woman, who turned 28 today, is a mother of three young children. It was an event that made us all think, She's so young and has so much life left. It definitely made me think, more about what happened if that was me. Have I lived my life to the fullest, of course not. Would I have died happy, most definitely. But there's so many things I want to do before I die.
A movie came out with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson a couple years ago called The Bucket List. It was a film about two men who write a list of things they want to do before they "kick the bucket". I think my list is fairly decent and within reach. Some may seem average and some may seem over the top. Others may seem as if they don't even belong on the list, but realistically it's everything I want to accomplish.


  1. Purchase a House
  2. Complete our Family
  3. Pay Off Debt
  4. Go Skydiving
  5. Go back to Australia
  6. Go Back to Europe
  7. Go away with my husband to Fiji & stay in a room with a glass floor
  8. Have one professional photography shoot or sell my photos of nature
  9. Run a marathon
  10. Lose some money in Vegas...not alot, just some!

    This is just a rough draft. I have lots more to add, but so little time. I'll be back to add more and to check items off that have been completed. So stay tuned!

    ***As of this morning, the mom who had the heart attack was aware of her surroundings and alert...squeezing hands when asked. They were to take her off the ventilator tonight or tomorrow. No other news as of 11pm est 11-19*** Please keep her and her family in your prayers.***The mother is doing well, sees lots of doctor's now to try and avoid the same situation in the future. Please continue to pray for her!***

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Playing Catch Up

It's been a very crazy but fun couple of days and last week was loaded with lots of fall activities and getaways. Kainen and I headed to Charleston last Wednesday for him to see the Imagination Movers, boy was that a fun show. He got to meet each one and even got their autographs. I wish you could've been there to see the smile on his face, the laughs in his belly and the shaking through his bones. My little boy was so happy when they came out that he literally shook with joy and laughter, it was the cutest thing! He had a blast and I enjoyed seeing him so happy!
While we were in Charleston, we had lots of fun things planned. We checked out their local hockey team play their season opener, and we won! GO RAYS! I miss hockey :-( Columbia no longer has a hockey team, so if we need a hockey fix...we have to head down to Charleston. And by golly...I will!! It's my hometown and I always need a reason to go back :-)
More exciting plans included heading out to the pumpkin patch and the park to play with our friend Sara. I picked Kainen up a fun pumpkin with a cool face and some crazy hair while we were there...and to this day, he calls it an apple. I keep telling him it's a pumpkin, but it seems as if he loves apples more. At the patch, we rode the hayride and were quite impressed with the decor. It was fun and Kainen had a blast there and afterwards at the park!
On our last day in Charleston, we went to the annual Children's day Festival. It's all free and packed with lots of fun things to do. We've gone 3 years now and I hope to make it a tradition, as long as it's still operating. Kainen rode a pony, got his face painted and rode a winding choo choo through the festival. It was a fun day and I can't wait for it again next year!
As exhausting as that week sounds, it technically wasn't over yet. I headed back home Sunday just to pack again and get back on the road to Boone, NC. My husband had orientation for work there and I'm so glad I tagged along. It's a very beautiful place and I hope we get to go back one day to visit some more. While Jason was busy, the kiddo and I set out on Blowing Rock. It was a very pretty sight, surrounded by all the changing leaves and mountains in the distance. Kainen enjoyed his time climbing the rock and playing on the trails and I enjoyed my time with him on our little adventure in Boone!
As much as I keep telling myself it's just doesn't feel like it. I think being in Charleston and then in Boone, it just messed up my week...but in a good way. It still feels like mid week and I can't believe it's almost over. There wasn't so much planned this week, so I guess it was just slowing me down. However, my hubs and I took Kainen to our local pumpkin patch. Yes, that makes for two visits to a patch in less than 5 days :-) I wasn't too impressed with the photos I got at the Charleston patch, I needed a second chance. It was nice that we did it as a family too, it seems as if Jason misses out on a lot with the hours he works. We had fun going through the cornmaze, picking a pumpkin, going on a hayride and playing in the playground and tree farm.
So, it's been crazy here and that's why I haven't been here to blog. I'm going to blog a post for each outing full of pictures :-) I love sharing!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'm So Excited @ iHeartFaces

This week over at the theme is Excited!
This picture of Kainen shows his personality, it shines with fun and laughter.
He's one silly, little boy.
It was taken at the zoo, in a walkthrough that houses monkies and other furry creatures.
Let me tell you, this kid loves him some monkies :-)

You can just see the excitement on his face..
I only wish you could've heard it!

I'm beyond excited to share this photo with everyone.
It is one of my favorite pictures of my little, silly boy!
I love him to pieces <3

Make sure you excitedly hop on over the iHeartFaces and check out all the other entries!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Not Me Monday

This Monday sure is a gloomy one and it makes for a good day to think about my Not Me's for the past week.

In getting ready for church yesterday, I most certainly did not put on knee high boots with my dress just so I wouldn't have to shave my legs.

With hopes of cleaning the house over the weekend, I did not shove dirty clothes into closets or toys into closets so I could finish sooner. I definitely did not make more work for me to do over the week!

I did not purposely forget to put on sunscreen before or during a playdate out in the sun just because I wanted to get a little last chance summer tan. I tend to tan easier when I burn.

I did not ask (beg) my grandmother to buy Kainen new outfits and shoes just because they're plaid...only because my husand despises plaid anything. I would not do such a thing and I'm definitely not in love with the shoes so much that I want to go back and get a second pair in a bigger size!

I most certainly did not just consume 4, or maybe it was 5, brownies even though I keep complaining about how I'm such a fat girl. I do not know that they will most likely be all gone by tomorrow evening.

I'm not hugely excited about taking Kainen to see the Imagination Movers on Wednesday...I am definitely not a fan of Mover Rich. I'm most certainly not a fan of anything kid oriented, anything that gets you singing and dancing to the music. I'm a grown up!

Head over to MckMama's blog to read what other's did not do :-)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I Simply Remember My Favorite Things

Over at I ♥ Faces, it's all about your favorite things this week.
I could not resist in sharing with you, the things I love.
Head over & check out what others have to say!

I love love love these two boys in my life.
Without them, my life would not be complete.
They make me laugh, smile, and cry.
They bring joy to my life...
Therefore, my most favorite thing!

It's important in life, in my life.
I love the relationship I have with my mom,
I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

Rare moments of K, caught on film.
These are my favorite shots, the unexpected.
The silly, loving, crazy side of Kainen!
I love the feeling, capturing those perfect moments.
One of my favorite things to do is go back, reminisce about these days.
Seeing the smile in his eyes and the laughter on his face.

Some of my other favorites include:
Trips to the mountains, especially in the fall. There's something about the mountains, radiating in oranges, reds and browns that's so amazingly gorgeous. I love God's creations! As my grandmother would say, being in the mountains gives you a feeling of being closer to God.
Scrapbooking. Like I said before, I love to go back and reminisce about the good ole' days. It's a new hobby of mine and I'm enjoying every moment of it. I can't wait until five, ten, twenty years from now; when I look back upon those pictures.

Watching Kainen learn and grow. It amazes me to see how much he has learned. It changes every day. His vocabulary has taken off, his skills with puzzles and other challenging items don't seem to phase him. He works through them with ease and I'm just in awe.
My baby is growing up too fast!
Photography. I love capturing those perfect moments on my camera. I don't go anywhere nowadays, without taking my camera along for the ride.
I love my life, I love my family.
There are so many favorite things in life, ever changing every growing.
"I Simply Remember my Favorite Things...and Then I Don't Feel So Bad"
Sound of Music

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I never thought I'd want this more than I do right now. I never thought I'd be at this point in my life so soon. I never thought it'd take so long. I never thought I'd be writing about this.

These are my thoughts on how I feel about this point we've reached in our relationship. This point being, trying to conceive.

It's been eight months now of trying...and failing. People say it's the stress, that we're not trying enough....what's to stress about? It's making love with your prince charming, it's natural, it's what we do.

It's been eight months of witnessing one sister in law get pregnant, three friends & now more recently, another sister in law. I couldn't be more happier for the friends, but it's kind of hit home for family. I can't say I'm happy for them, I can't feel that joy for them. I feel bad that I feel this way, I just look at it as...why them, why not us?

I keep wondering if there's something wrong with me or maybe the hubby. I keep holding off going to the doctor, in fear of what they may say.

Never in my life did I see my future like it has been laid out in front of me...but I'm also saying that I have no regrets. What has happened in my life has made me the person I am today. The mistakes I've made, I've learned from them. I feel stronger and happier than I have ever been.

These past three years have made me grow up quite quickly. My timeline goes as this:
August~Move out of my parents September~Meet my husband October~Engaged
November~Pregnant January~Married August~ Welcome a baby boy!

It seemed so easy to conceive...then. I never thought I'd be trying eight months or more. That 2009 baby has now become a 2010 baby, it may become a 2011 baby at the rate we're going.

I'm being patient in our wait, but with each negative test comes disappointment. Whenever God blesses us with the opportunity to become parents for the second time, I will be delighted.

All I want is healthy baby, boy or girl. A chance to do things differently with the second pregnancy. A chance to become a better mom; not only to a newborn but to our amazing son, Kainen.

I'm blessed to have such an amazing support group, my husband and my son. They are the best things in my life and I love them with all my heart. All you need is love....and family

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations
Jeremiah 1:5

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mother, Daughter Time

Last week, my mom came to visit us for a couple of days. It felt just like the good ole' days and I enjoyed our time spent together. Since moving here, an hour and a half away from my family, things have drastically changed. I had to make new friends, learn how to be on my own, and manage to get around an unfamiliar area. I've grown up alot in the past two years, even more in these past few months. It's crazy!
My mom had this past week off, she called me Tuesday and told me she was heading up the next day to come visit. I was so happy and I couldn't wait until the next day. I miss my mom and any chance I get to spend time with her, I jump on it! Wednesday she came up just in time for me to head out to my doc appointment, kid free...and I think her for that. After my appointment we headed out to Tot Trade, a huge consignment sale for kids. I'm glad I went, we got some cute outfits for Kainen...took advantage of the 60% sale. The next day we had plans to head to the lake, but unfortunately, it was already closed for the season. She was looking forward to a day at the beach, in the sun. However, she did get to see what it looks like out there...and the dam, it's an amazing site. We headed home and changed our plans to the pool. It was definitely some cold water, but Kainen had a blast and both mom and I got a little bit of last chance summer sun :-) We headed out to the mall afterwards because my mom was in need of some new clothes. It's always nice to go on a little shopping session with your mom. I helped her pick out a couple shirts, even one she didn't like on the hanger...she ended up buying it in two colors! My mom was so great, even after a day of shopping, she cooked us dinner...and it was yummy. The next day we headed out for even more shopping. This time we checked out Sandhills, an outdoor shopping center. I had to drag her out there, it has a Kirkland's and everyone knows we're addicted to that place. *When we get a house, it will be full of stuff from there* It was another fun day of shopping with her, I wish we could hang out more. She was so great, because once again...being out all day, she let the hubby and I have a date night. Something we haven't done since we've moved here. Unfortunately, we got rained out on a date and headed home a little early. We came home to her doing our laundry, and she had already cleaned our kitchen and a bathroom. It was a very nice thing for her to do and I'm grateful for her help. Then comes our last day, Saturday came to fast. We went out to our last rendezvous together, breakfast at Waffle House. I loved having her here and enjoyed every moment I spent with here. If only we could do that once a month...I'll have to ask her about doing that. LOL
I always enjoy mother daughter time. When I lived 20 minutes away, I use to meet her for lunch. On the weekends or on her days off, we'd usually do the same or maybe a quick shopping trip. I definitely miss the time with my mother. It's something I wish I had here :-(

I'm thankful for such a great mother and I feel blessed to know that God chose her to be mine!
I love you mom!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wordful Wednesday

It's premiere week!! Another reason why I love fall, all my favorite shows return :-)

These are all my favorite shows that I never miss an episode of. Well, sometimes I do...but that's why they invented the DVR box! My life is now complete, now that these shows are back. I'm no longer searching for something to watch or sitting at home during a rainy day. I'm busy catching up on missed episodes on my DVR or actually watching the show, if I could be so lucky. If you've never seen any of these shows, you don't know what you're missing!

It all started on Monday with House! I wish he was my doctor :-) He's sarcastic but yet thorough. You can't forget his addiction to Vicodin, but after a recent stunt in rehab, who knows what's going to happen this season. I think that makes it even more exciting.

House MD Pictures, Images and Photos

There's CSI: Miami, my only choice out of the few CSI's that are out there. But once again you have a character that draws you in. Horatio Caine's cheesy one line openers for each episode! Then of course you have the suspense of finding out the killer, but I think that's in every law related television show nowadays. Great show, though...I still watch reruns of it, too!

csi Pictures, Images and Photos

Oh my, does The Biggest Loser outdo themselves each year. With each episode, I think there's not ever a tear falling down my cheek. This season has the most heaviest contestants then year's past, and it even has a tearjerker contestant. A lady who had lost her husband, 2 week old baby and 5 year old daughter in a car crash. But you know, it just makes you think...she's got God on her side because she's moving on with her life and trying to make it better. You should check out Biggest Loser if you've never seen it.

Biggest Loser! Pictures, Images and Photos

Flipping out....Literally. It's like, no pun intended. You have a guy, Jeff Lewis, who makes a living by flipping houses. Jeff is also very OCD, so flipping out is what he does best too! :-) It's a great show, he gives me a laugh every time I watch.

flipping out Pictures, Images and Photos

Tyra Tyra Tyra! This year she has outdone herself. She has cast nothing but short girls for this season. As you can tell, the tallest is a mere 5'6". Of course, there's a girl from here, and go figure, she's just representing us all wrong!! It's definitely an interesting season...and so far I can't call out the winner, but then again...I've only done it once or twice before!

america's next top model Pictures, Images and Photos

I can't believe SYTYCD is already back, it seems like it just ended. did!! Not that I'm complaining or anything, I love this show :-) There are a couple of people I'm already WOW'd by and I can't wait to see more. As of now, they're still in the auditioning phase, which is not only the best time to watch but the funniest, too. It's just like American Idol, you have people with great talent and then you have those that are there making a fool of themselves. But hey, it's always nice to see the sprinkler and lawn mower resurrected!

DANCE Pictures, Images and Photos

Top Chef, speaks for itself. A show about finding the top chef of the season. I always enjoy watching this show. Not that I'm a good cook, or even a cook...period. It's interesting to see what's out there and how each chef interprets something so delicious, or even totally disgusting, out of the ingredients they're provided. I've been a fan since season 2 :-)

Top Chef Pictures, Images and Photos

Law & Order SVU, love that show. Along with CSI, I also enjoy watching reruns of SVU. Not only do they have an amazing cast, love Mariska Hargitay, but they always have such good plots that just drag you in. Every once in a while they'll bring in stories that have been heard before, but interpret it in their own way. I'd have to say the vacinations episode they showed last season was definitely an eye opener to me! I will not miss an episode this year. They've even moved to a new night, so don't miss out. "They're protecting Wednesday nights!"

Law And Order SVU Pictures, Images and Photos

Here you have a spin off of Grey's Anatomy and it's definitely got the potential. It left us left year with a cliffhanger, as well as Greys *go figure*, and I can't wait for it to premiere. Of course, you have the love triangles, disputes, etc that any other show has!

private practice Pictures, Images and Photos

This show is the greatest one's smart, witty, and sad all at the same time. Here you have America Ferrera playing a latina who works for a fashion magazine, in which you automatically know she has no fashion sense. It's a good story all around and I love this show.

Ugly Betty Pictures, Images and Photos

AAAAhhhhh, my addiction!! I love love love Grey's Anatomy :-) I mean, it has Patrick Dempsey, whom I've been a fan of ever since Loverboy!! Can't forget Katherine Heigl who I remember in My Father the Hero. Did I say it was an addiction??? who knows, maybe it's my guilty pleasure! Like I said before, they left us with a cliffhanger...well sort of. Everyone pretty much knows the ending and I must say I'm a little disappointed.

However, it will not keep me away, no way Jose!

Greys anatomy avatar Pictures, Images and Photos

I've watching Amazing Race ever since it first aired. I think it's on it's 14th season or so. It's a very good reality show! Ordinary people race around the world and get faced with cultural shock, physical and mental challenges, and meet new people. I've always wanted to sign up for this show, but I can't figure out who'd compete with me. Any takers?

The amazing race Pictures, Images and Photos

A show about a bunch of "pretty" ( i say that lightly) women who live on Wysteria Lane. Of course, you know it's full of gossip, love triangles, murders, etc. A real eye catcher! It's a bummer they killed off Edie :-( but I think this year is going to be the best. They changed it about a year or so ago, they aged the episodes by a good 5-7 years...crazy, I know. I think it's made the show better. I can't wait for the season premiere on Sunday!

Desperate housewive Pictures, Images and Photos

Then you have all these new shows! I can't believe there are so many. Is there really the room for new tv? Have old shows been replaced? Its crazy how many there are. Once again, not gives me more to watch. Below are the shows I'm checking out :-)

Accidentally on Purpose, Eastwick, Mercy, Modern Family, Cougar Town, Flash Forward

**Maybe I have no life, it seems like I watch a lot of TV. In reality, I record everything and watch them while my child sleeps. It's my me time...and the best part, I can fast forward through commercials and the boring parts**

Happy Fall everyone!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Candid @ iHeartFaces

I love getting candid shots, you can always tell the emotion behind each smile and the look in their eyes.
We like to have family get togethers and I always try to have my camera ready. Luckily for me, Kainen decided to share his love with his Big Daddy at this particular event.
Any other time I would ask Kainen to give him lovin' and he'd just give him a quick hug or not even budge.
This instance, I actually got the shot and I couldn't be more happier about the outcome.
I adore the look in Kainen's eyes and the love that radiates between them.
The bond between a great-grandfather and his great-grandson are never ending.
I will share this picture with Kainen years from now to let him know how much he was loved by this sweet man!

Head over to iHeartFaces and check out all the other candid shots!
If only we all could be so lucky :)

Fall is in the Air

Fall is in the air and it's one of my favorite seasons.

I love the color changes in nature, the different aromas that fill the air & stores.

I love the festive season that includes Halloween and Thanksgiving.

It's just an all around great season!

Pumpkin picking is going to be one of my favorite parts in the coming month. Align Center I think it'll be more fun for Kainen this year, too.

Fall harves Pictures, Images and Photos

I wish I could go to the mountains this fall. I haven't been during this time in quite some while. It's definitely a beautiful sight. This picture reminds me of our travels to the mountains.

fall Pictures, Images and Photos

Like I said, beautiful sight! The mountains are all topped with the changing leaves.The trees if different shades of oranges, browns and reds. I just love God's creations!

Fall Color Pictures, Images and Photos

I can't wait until the leaves actually start to change. I'm definitely going to embark on an adventure and start walking trails in the area with Kainen.

fall Pictures, Images and Photos

And just for fun, here's a peak of Kainen's halloween costume. He's going to be a pirate! Of course, I chose the outfit for this year. I figured it was going to be the last time I would be able to choose. It helped tremendously when I showed him the picture, the first thing out of his mouth was AAAAAAAARrrrrrgggggg! I can't wait :-)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Weeks in review, through Pictures!

Here's Kainen in the huge tractor tire at the State Museum.
He loved being in there, you can tell by the excited expression on his face!

There's a new weatherman in town, haven't you heard?
Let me introduce him to you all, heeeeerrrrreeee's Kainen!
He was very smart, too.
He pointed at all the nasty weather,
even showed the direction it was pushing towards ;-)
The beach walkthrough at the Museum.
Almost looks a little too real in pictures!
Kainen loved seeing the birds up close

I love the few, great pictures that we did get at the park.
I just adore family pictures from behind <3
The fountain adds a dramatic effect, I think.
This is my favorite of all of us.
HAHA, even though you can't see our faces!
My two boys, sporting their best Bear's gear!
Doesn't Kainen look so excited?

I just love how happy Kainen is here!

What's gonna work? Teamwork!

Here are Daddy & Son feeding the geese. Daddy giving Kainen the nudge, of course

Such a happy family <3<3

My two boys, fooling around under the tree!

My most favorite picture of them.
Jason is such a great dad
I love the bond they have now
that will grow fonder as the years pass.

The best for last.
Mommy & Son

This is my weeks in review, through pictures! I need to get better at taking more pictures during the week. Which really means, I need to get out of the house more often ;-)
I love my family and the outings we have. I can't wait for the ones that lie ahead!

Bad Blogger Blues

I've got the bloggin' blues.....I've missed coming here and jotting down the recent happenings in our life! I'm such a bad blogger & I apologize to my readers for my recent absenses. I promise to become a better blogger, not just for myself, but for my followers, too. You found me somehow & you liked what I had to write about...I'd love to keep you around! :-) I'm going to blog another post right after this one, just to share pictures of those recent happenings. There's so many of them to post here along with these words I write.
It's been a very uneventful past couple of weeks & may I say, a sickly weekend. But here's to catch you up on the past 2 weeks or so. Hopefully, after this post I will get back on the blogging hog and write every day. They may not hold many pictures, so I hope I still grab most of yall's attention *ahem Sara :-)*.
Labor day weekend was a blast, Sara came up from Charleston to spend the weekend with us. I always love when she comes to visit, my weekends with her never have a dull moment...and I hope she feels the same way. HAHA She introduced me to my new favorite place, Ikea! I can say that I hate her for that, but I love her so much for the introduction! I believe I've become addicted, and I'm super stoked that it's only an hour and a half from my home rather than the 3 hours from my old home of Charleston. I can't wait until we get a house because I will definitely be heading back there to stock up on stuff for our new place. The lovely friend that I have, helped me out alot, by purchasing a table that I loved & she took a check in return from us...since we were broke. I still owe you, don't worry! Thanks Sara<3> ME, who just had knee surgery the week prior...that mall was not my friend. I still enjoyed my time there, as it was mostly window shopping.The next time I go, I'll make sure I have some moolah to spend. On that Sunday, we checked out the State Museum here in Cola. I haven't been there since my niece was about 2 or so and even before then, it must've been years! We took advantage of the $1 Sunday program they have going on. It was fun for all of us, even Kainen.
My hubby just celebrated his 22nd birthday back on the fourteenth. It was a huge bummer that he had to work late. However, we took our monthly *my biweekly :-P* trip to Charleston to have a birthday dinner with my family. I left before my hubby and headed down Friday while he was still in work. Keno was that night, a game that I was introduced to a year ago....boy has time flown by. It's the greatest game ever and it was nice to hang out with the girls again. It was nice to actually go home with gifts,too...3 to be exact! I went with my sister, the next morning...bright and early to the Repeats Sale. I was quite disappointed, some people overprice their stuff and most of the good ones were already taken because of all the pre-sales they did. Sunday we had a redo of our family photos since my sister got a new camera. We headed down to Hampton Park, a place I hadn't been to in over a decade...but it was still just as beautiful so many years later! I have to say that having pictures done almost 2 years after a first shoot as a family...there were some major changes. Kainen was easily distracted, but it probably didn't help that the photographer was his Auntie. He's usually such a ham for photographers. I think we're going to give it another try within the next couple of weeks, but this time with someone different behind the camera. Alicia is a fellow blogger that coincidentally lives in the same area as I and she will be our photographer next time around!
As of right now, it's the start of a new week. I'm looking at it now and seeing that it's going to be uneventful...bummer. I've been battling a sinus/cold since Friday. It's slowly going away, each symptom disappearing one by one. It's nice to finally breathe through my nose! AAaaahhhh

Here's to hoping for a great week...and may yours be just as good, maybe even better! :-) <3

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This week over at iHeartFaces , the theme is Contemplative.

definition: thoughtful observation; full or deep consideration; dreamily or wistfully thoughtful: a pensive mood; expressing or revealing thoughtfulness; quiet modes of apparent or real thought; can be marked by some sadness, but doesn't have to be."

This picture of Kainen was taken this past weekend, during a break of our family photo shoot. There were so many dogs around & he ran up to each and every one of them and just hugged and loved each one. In attempts to distract him & tear him away from the pup, he eased every so slowly towards the trunk of the tree...deep in thought, deciding his next move! You had to have been there to know what was going through his mind. Of course, in my mind, he was definitely thinking of a way to just stay there all day & chat with the lovely canine that lies under that tree. This is definitely one of my most favorite shots of Kainen.
He's a great specimen, but I'm partial :-)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Trying Tuesday

Yes, it has been a very trying day! I had every intention of writing a blog yesterday to share with everyone my lovely present my hubby got me :) So without further ado....

I was supposed to introduce everyone to Ruby yesterday as a part of
Amanda's Mutt Monday.
She is a 7 week old Lab Husky Collie mix,
a true mutt... but a cute one at that!
Ruby is actually one of the contributors to my Trying Tuesday. Aaahhh, the joys of having a puppy! It's been two years since we've had to deal with training a puppy. The good thing is, she was used to being outside already, so she's really good about doing her business outside. She's just not so great on letting us know.
Kainen is another contributor, boy has he been testing my patience today. Maybe I should rename it to Testing Tuesday. Since my baby boy has turned two, he's done nothing but say no to everything I about the terrible twos!
I need to try and just relax...I've been quite irritable these past couple of days. I've had a lot on my mind these past couple of weeks and I think it's just getting to me. Luckily, I had a very great Labor Day weekend to take my mind off things. I'm going to try and not let it all bother me and discuss my issues...Let Go & Let God, as I've said before :-)