Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Day After

It's officially the day after my knee surgery. It turns out that my knee was worse off than expected and a procedure that was a maybe turned into a definite yes. I had been having some knee pain since the end of April and I would have my days where it hurt like heck and others where I felt fine. I could never figure out how I could've injured my knee, I just knew something had to happen. I was referred out, by my primary care phys, to a Sports Medicine/Orthopedic surgeon's office. I found out yesterday that I had the best surgeon in the area and I couldn't be happier! I wish I could say the same about how I feel today. My mother had to return to work in Charleston and my hubby had to head back to work early this morning. This is my first day by myself, maneuvering around on crutches...letting my dog out to potty, fixing myself food and drink, etc. It has been a tough day so far and my pain has yet to change from a 10 to a 0 or anywhere in between. I didn't think my knee was so bad! I went in knowing that they were doing an arthroscopic procedure with the chance of a lateral release. It's as painful as it sounds, for it is the moving of your kneecap to a new position...and not only did they do that, they also shaved away some bone. I have to admit I'm amazed at the fact I can even walk, not that I want to, because it definitely hurts like a b-chacha. It's hard to believe that they want me doing exercise already, with such comes the bending of the knee. If I could, I would put my foot down..well, the good one I can...I draw the line there!! I cannot, let me repeat myself, cannot see myself doing exercises as the such. I'm already in enough pain...I don't need torture too. Maybe I'll start that routine over the weekend...we'll see. For now, I'm okay with just walking around with one crutch as my's all I can handle. Haven't you heard, I'm a girl! I don't handle the pain that normal people could. I am proud of how I've come so far though :-)
Let me just add that I am a little hurt and disappointed at some of the "friends" I have. Out of the new ones I have met, and the ones that have been around longer...only 3 or 4 have said anything to me. I've witnessed their helpfulness towards other people and I guess I don't deserve the same treatment. I'm not asking for breakfast in bed or anything...just some well wishes. However, I am very thankful for the friends and family that I do have who have prayed and gave me those well wishes. I love ya'll. I owe a special thanks to my mom, my hubby and my sister. My mother came up on Monday night to be there for me yesterday for before and after my surgery. She was a major help with Kainen and I love her to death. For my hubby, he's waited on me hand and foot, I don't know what I'd do without him. I woke him up, out of his deep slumber, last night because I was having trouble nerve block wore off and I needed my meds. Not only did he get up and get them for me he also made sure my leg was elevated right and he even let me turn on the tv *which he hates to be on when he's trying to sleep* And last but not least, for my lovely sister. She has taken on the role of being Mommy to Kainen until the weekend. I am very grateful towards her...and I give her props. Taking care of a 5 year old, 2 year old and 6 month old for the next couple of days may be a challenge...I wish her the best of luck!
Enough of my rambling on, I believe I could write a novel if I kept going.
Happy Wednesday to Everyone, Hope you have a great day!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Family Time in Charleston

It's shocking to believe that we haven't had family pictures done since Kainen was 4 months old. I have all these empty frames that I wanted to fill of the three of us, but wanted up to date ones, of course. As beautiful as my hometown of Charleston is, we had to head back to the Battery to do a second shoot there! I was disappointed at the fact the Gazebo was torn down :-( Not only was it a great setting for our family pictures but it was also where my wonderful hubby asked me to marry him. The good news is, they are rebuilding it...but it's just not the same. However, they did keep a piece of it, the roof! Which was a key safety feature on that night in October 2007. It was a very rainy and windy night and that roof was the only thing that kept us from getting soaked and windblown. Anyways, enough ranting about that :-) It was so nice of my sister to follow us around and snap shots of my family. She got some good ones! I have to admit, Kainen is definitely easier to photograph when he's 4 months rather than 2 years old. Every car, every dog, every sound caught his attention and he got distracted easily...and somewhat cranky. I'm happy to say that my sister has a new snazzy SLR camera and she wants to have a redo! It'll be nice to have two sets of family pictures, especially since I've cut and dyed my hair since then HEHE Hope you like the shots she got. I can't wait for our redo this weekend :-) They'll be even better with the new camera, my new look and a new setting!

Not My Child Monday :-)

For my edition of "Not my child Monday" I'm taking it a different route :-)
Yesterday, Kainen did not surprise us by counting down from 4-1, all by himself!
He's most certainly not learning his colors; yellow and blue are not his favorite right now.
He does not know all of his Backyardigans friend's names and who's who. He definitely does not match his stuffed ones to their correct characters when an episode is on.
My child is not that smart!
Kainen does not know which drawer the hot dogs are in the refrigerator...and he especially does not try and grab one every time the door is open. My kid is definitely not a hot dog addict!
Kainen, unaware of the game, did not outscore his daddy in a game of Speed Slice on Wii over the weekend...even it was just 4 points :-) Daddy, however, ended up winning afterall.
That's my Not My Child version. I decided to put a little spin on it in honor of Kainen learning so many new things in the past few weeks. It's amazing how things can change in such little time. Makes me very proud to be his Mom <3<3
**And just to make it a normal Not me**
I am definitely not having knee surgery tomorrow and I'm definitely not nervous. Nope not me!
Please DO keep me in your prayers tomorrow, that the surgery has a great outcome, Thanks

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Let Go & Let God

I've had a lot of things on my mind lately. I have been thinking about going back to work, not only to have some money for myself, but to have money to help out with bills. There may be a possibility that it would give us a little bit of a nudge when it comes to us getting a house. I've been told by many people, on many occasions to pray about the certain situations in my life. Whether it be getting a house, having another baby, or returning to work. In a way I feel the fact that if I return back to work I will not continue the relationship I have with Kainen, and it scares me. I was never a fan of putting Kainen in daycare from the get go. I didn't want to miss out on the first words, first steps etc. I feel that now would be the time for him to be put in a daycare setting, not only to have some communication with kids his age but to also learn things that I may not be able to teach him. I ran across an article online yesterday. I was in need of some help and I knew that there may be someone else out there who needs to be lifted up! I've attached it below. I hope it helps whoever runs across my page, it's definitely helped me and I will continue to pray, continue to Let Go & Let God!

"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me"
Philippians 4:13

Feeling Like A Failure? Feeling Defeated?
By: Martin Cisneros

God trusts Jesus to bring you across the finished line. God believes in the Blood of Christ, that Jesus was raised from the dead, that Jesus sits at His right hand, and that all of Jesus’s enemies will be made His footstool. Jesus is the Head and you’re the Body of Christ. If Jesus’s enemies are being made His footstool, guess where the feet are! God believes that Jesus is the Lord of your life, that His Blood has taken away your sin, and that His Word and Holy Spirit are at work in your heart. God sees Jesus in you. God sees Jesus Present in you. God sees Jesus active in you.

God sees His New Creation within you. God sees His Word growing in you. God sees more courage in you than you think that you have, because He sees Jesus inside of you. God still believes in all that Jesus is doing inside of you. God sees you perfected in Christ and at rest in His completed work. God doesn’t doubt for a minute in your ability to hear His Voice. God loves you. He sees the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness within you. An angel is very reverently polishing your scepter right now.

God loves you as if you were the only one that Jesus had ever had to die for. God loves you as if you were His only child in all of existence. God loves you as if there were no Jesus. Don’t ever think in any of your weaker moments that God, your Father, only "puts up with you" because of Jesus. God loves you as if it were only you and Him in the entire universe or multiverse.

I hope that you realize that in saying this that I’m not dismissing redemption, it’s process, it’s history, and it’s outcome. Neither am I in any way ever claiming that there’s ever been or ever would be a Way to the Father except through Jesus. I’m just saying, as the prophet of God said so long ago to his servant, "there’s [a lot] more with you than against you!" There’s more at work in your favor than you can possibly imagine.

God loves and adores you. He’s your Father and He’s never going to let go. He’s not only never going to let go of you, but He’s never going to let go of your loved ones; of your situation and of theirs. God is intimately aware of each of your bills. If you’re ill, God’s intimately aware of each of your symptoms. God’s going to pay the bills and heal your body. Don’t worry about it any longer. Any of it. He loves you and through Christ you’ve found a ransom for your life…God’s aware of every strained relationship and Christ’s Blood is Bleeding on the whole situation. Trust Him to make all things new. Trust Him to wipe away your every tear. Don’t be afraid.
*May I just mention some irony of this post. My son is watching Yo Gabba Gabba and the lesson of the day is "Don't be afraid"* :-)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Not Me Monday

I did not beg my husband into going to the Hollywood Wax Museum while we were in Tennessee this past week. It was not because I wanted to get pictures with "celebrities" just to have fun!

I definitely did not sit with Forrest Gump and talk about the South and chocolates, nope not me.

I definitely did not stand next to Lucille Ball.
Nor did I pretend to try her famous Vitameatavegamin. Nope, not me

I most certainly did not convince my child to stand and hold hands with Linda Blair's character from the Exorcist. That would be such a horrible thing...that I did not do.
I did not eat pizza for dinner tonight at 930, just so I can have dinner with my husband. Nope, I did not break my rule of not eating past 7.
I am not having knee surgery next Tuesday and I'm definitely not nervous about the outcome.
I did not wait all day to post my Not Me's. However, I was not super busy at all today!

Here is my Not Me! Monday!
This blog carnival was created by MckMama.
Head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

My Baby is 2, Can it be??

Happy Birthday, now you’re two.
You love the park, and the zoo.
Words come out in sentences now,
always learning, show me how.
Monkies galore, big yellow truck,
finding big round rocks for good luck.
You have learned the power of no,
and you use it to tell us so.
You love swings like all kids do,
cats and blocks and Pablo too,
You like to sing to all your favorite songs,
You always put everything where it belongs.
Picky, you are which what you eat,
Chicken, hot dogs, any cheesy treat.
Playing by yourself, it's playtime at it's best,
You're quite a special boy, truly very blessed
You like to go out and play with friends,
You're learning so much, we hope it never ends.
Mommy and Daddy whisper I love you,
Happy Birthday Kainen, You're now Two!!

Cake Icing+ face = one great moisturizer :-)

Now this is the way to eat your cake, face first!

Kainen blowing out his candle like a big boy

I can't believe my baby is now two.
It feels like just yesterday I was holding a newborn you.
Time has flown by way too fast,
I'm going to treasure all the love and hugs you share while it lasts!
August 9th, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Funny, Silly Faces @ iHeartFaces

This week over at iHeartFaces the theme is Funny, Silly Faces.

I absolutely love this look of my son, Kainen. We had just come in from playing in the sprinkler and I decided to do a quick dry in front of a very powerful fan. Kainen not only has a wind blown look but he also has a chipmunk mouth full of marshmallows :-)

This is Kainen's funny, most silly face.

Make sure you head on over to and check out all the other silly faces. I'm sure this week will be a blast and put a smile on everyone's face!

Not Me Monday

I most certainly do not have a 2 year old little boy, for my baby did not have his birthday yesterday. Nor did I go back and reminisce about these past two years.

My family and I are not taking a week long vacation to Tennessee. We're definitely not going to Ripley's amusements or the Wax Museum while we're there.

I did not go out in my pj's on Saturday and I'm most likely not going to wear them on our car ride to the mountains today. Nope, not me!

I am not addicted to Lifetime movies or a new sitcom on the network called Drop Dead Diva.

I do not buy tickets to see kid's shows just to see Kainen dance and smile, enjoy himself. We are definitely not going to see the Imagination Movers in October.

I will most likely not come back next week for another week of Not Me Monday.

I'm seriously not addicted to reading MckMama's blog...among another ten others or so. Definitely, not me!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Truthfully Tuesday

Truthfully Tuesday, speaks for itself doesn't it?
There are so many things happening these days, it's crazy.
Here's my edition :-)
  • My son, Kainen, is going to be two this's crept up on us. I can't believe it, boy has time just flown by. I'm in amazement every day of the new things he learns, the changes in his appearance, and the number of words he's added to his vocabulary!
  • The terrible twos have hit, so far it's an every other day routine. I'm hoping they last only until he turns two. Here's to wishful thinking HAHA
  • I'm absolutely loving the new trend of naptime and nighttime. It's quite a surprise that this new trend is doing so well. We are quite pleased, not complaining at all. Kainen has been going to sleep all on his own his bed in his room. We've made it routine to put him down in his bed at night, turn on Noggin and tuck him snug as a bug. We make it known that's it's time to sleep and Mommy and Daddy will be right outside. He's done so good...he has his moments, crying about 5 minutes tops; and then he's out like a light :-)

Now, enough bragging about dear Kainen..

  • Jason and I are taking our first official vacation, of the year, next week...I'm so excited. My grandparents have a mountain house in Tennessee, so we're taking advantage of free lodging. I love it in Pigeon Forge because they're so generous and friendly, especially towards the Veterans/Active duty of the US Armed Forces. We save so much money on our trips there, I can't wait.
  • I need to get my act together and start doing WiiFit again. We've had it over a year and when we brought it out to reintroduce ourselves to the said it was our 10th day, 10th day...How sad is that? I'm hoping to motivate myself after this post to do a little workout routine!! We'll see what happens

Hope you liked my edition of Truthfully Tuesday. I just wanted to share the truths that I couldn't believe were reality. Make sure to check back this weekend and next weekend for pictures from our baby's 2nd birthday and our fun vacation to Tennessee. I seem to be a little slack on I'm challenging myself to come back every day. *Minus next week, when of course...I'm away from the internet world :-(*