Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has quickly approached us all and it's a time to give thanks to the people (and things) in our life. Each year, J and I head to mine or his family's house for a feast and time spent with each other. This year, we thought it was going to be different. It was supposed to be at our house, since it's our first year living apart from both families. Unfortunately, his parents made other plans and (me being the "cook" that I am) my parents decided it was best to come to them since she was cooking the meal.
I am thankful for my mother, for preparing our whole meal..even if it's just for the five of us. I'm thankful for the relationship we have...I'm very grateful for everything she has done and continues to do. I'm proud to call her my mother.
I'm thankful for my husband, who loves me unconditionally and takes such good care of me. I'm very, very thankful he chose me to be his wife and the mother of his children...I wouldn't have it any other way.
I am thankful for the healthy, little boy who calls me Momma. For seeing his handsome face every morning when I wake up and every evening when we lay to sleep. I'm thankful that I get to see him grow and learn and love. I'm thankful to be a mom.
I'm thankful for the family and friends I have. Even through all the ups and downs in mine and their life, they've been here for me and vice versa. I'm thankful for two beautiful sisters, my many grandparents, my fathers and mothers...aunts and uncles. Thank you for being my family. Thank you for being my friend. Without you, my life is not complete
And last, but most definitely not least....
I'm eternally grateful and thankful for my savior, Jesus Christ, who blessed me with these people that are in my life. Thank you!

And just to throw it in there, for a little humor :-) Here are some "materialistic" things I'm thankful for.

  • for the invention of DVR, because being able to go back and have some me-time with my favorite shows is so nice after a day playing with K
  • the roof over my head...having a place to call home is a blessing
  • the clothes on my back, to keep me warm or cool with whatever the weather is
  • cameras, so I can capture all those once in a lifetime shots of K and others
  • for the food I eat to stay healthy and alive *even if some choices aren't so healthy ;)*
  • for the celebrities who make movies, so my husband and I can have one of those few and far between dates. And for those movies that are made that you love and wish life could just be that easy or love could be so easy. I love movies

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! May your stuffing be tasty May your turkey be plump, May your potatoes and gravy Have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious And your pies take the prize, And may your Thanksgiving dinner Stay off of your thighs! :-)

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name. Psalm 100:4

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Life...It makes you think!

Life is full of surprises, good and bad. I prefer the good surprises but only some can be so lucky. This past week, life definitely surprised me....and a couple of my friends, too. I'm a part of a playgroup where I live and the moms range anywhere from 21 years old to 38. Yesterday morning, we all recieved the news that one of the moms had suffered a heart attack and was in the hospital on a breathing tube. This woman, who turned 28 today, is a mother of three young children. It was an event that made us all think, She's so young and has so much life left. It definitely made me think, more about what happened if that was me. Have I lived my life to the fullest, of course not. Would I have died happy, most definitely. But there's so many things I want to do before I die.
A movie came out with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson a couple years ago called The Bucket List. It was a film about two men who write a list of things they want to do before they "kick the bucket". I think my list is fairly decent and within reach. Some may seem average and some may seem over the top. Others may seem as if they don't even belong on the list, but realistically it's everything I want to accomplish.


  1. Purchase a House
  2. Complete our Family
  3. Pay Off Debt
  4. Go Skydiving
  5. Go back to Australia
  6. Go Back to Europe
  7. Go away with my husband to Fiji & stay in a room with a glass floor
  8. Have one professional photography shoot or sell my photos of nature
  9. Run a marathon
  10. Lose some money in Vegas...not alot, just some!

    This is just a rough draft. I have lots more to add, but so little time. I'll be back to add more and to check items off that have been completed. So stay tuned!

    ***As of this morning, the mom who had the heart attack was aware of her surroundings and alert...squeezing hands when asked. They were to take her off the ventilator tonight or tomorrow. No other news as of 11pm est 11-19*** Please keep her and her family in your prayers.***The mother is doing well, sees lots of doctor's now to try and avoid the same situation in the future. Please continue to pray for her!***