Thursday, February 23, 2012

Expecting Great Things in Fall 2012

That's right! Looks like our Shults clan is gonna grow by 1 :) We are all super excited, K too. We found out a little after my birthday in January, I'm officially 8 weeks....will be 9 on Sunday. Boy how time flies already. Of course we're kind of thinking pink, as to say this will be our last child...but we're definitely happy to welcome a healthy baby, either sex. If you ask K, his response is always the same. "Do you want a baby brother or sister?" "A baby sister, I told you already." Every once in a while he'll say baby brother, but it'll be accompanied with a big grin and "nah, baby sister". He's too cute with it all and I know he'll be an awesome big brother. I can't wait :) So the blog here, every now and then, will be updated about the little. I didn't do that with my first pregnancy, like a lot of of other things, so that's the plan. There's a lot of blogs that keep you updated week by week, so I may follow suit! So there ya have it....we're expecting great things in Fall 2012. Little's estimated due date is September 30th!! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as our family is growing, it's greatly appreciated.

Sidenote: As a 2nd time time, I've done a great amount of google searches and blog stalking to find out what's all the rage in 2012 for newborns/babies. I stumbled upon Tots and Me and she will be hosting a baby shower event on her blog come's in honor of her precious newborn son!! She will be reviewing some products and even offering some to give away. Check it out if you have a little one or are expecting this year! I can't wait for this. Thanks Tots and Me.

Tots and Me