Friday, April 9, 2010

5 Question Friday

Hello fellow 5QF'ers :)
This is brought you by, My Little Life's Mama M!! Thanks for the fun on this Fabulous Friday

1. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
Since I've been told I look like Cameron Diaz & Kirsten Dunst...I'd go with one of the two :) Like Mama M said though, they both would have to pack on some pounds and maybe lose an inch or three! I love Miss Diaz, she's so perky and outgoing....that I'm not, so she could exaggerate me perfectly HA! Then there's Mrs. Spiderman, she'd be almost perfect. Now if only they would present an offer. Hello Hollywood!!!

2. Did you ever go to summer camp?
I've seen a couple camps in my summer past-life. I mostly went to 5-7 day camps, with my youth group at Church. Centrifuge was super fun. It was nice to reflect on your relationship with God and learn more about missionaries and the Bible. Then there was Camp Bonnie Doone, too..pretty much the same as Centrifuge. I also went to one summer camp 2 years in a row...but it was one of those 9-5 things, to where I got to go home YAY! That one was Space, not the astronaut training camp, but a camp for Special, talented :) I forget what it stood for. The first year I went for singing, and minored in African Drumming. The second year I went for Pottery. It was super fun!

3. What sends you running and screaming in the other direction?
Snakes send me running, not necessarily screaming. Nothing really sends me off screaming unless it's carrying a weapon. Mostly, snakes and other venomous creatures send me running!! I'm not one of those crazy people to run screaming, at least I'd like to think I'm not...LOL

4. What is something you do that drives your spouse nuts?
Everything!! What doesn't drive him No, seriously. I've really got to get him to narrow it down. However, it goes both ways...he drives me nuts, too!! But to me, I love that we drive each other's a good thing :) Without the nuts, there wouldn't be the bolts to keep our marriage together hahahaha!
5. What is currently your favorite song?
Lady Antebellum's "Need You Now". It's being super overplayed at the moment on the Radio...and I even have the CD. But, I still love to hear it and sing along every time it plays. I don't think it'll ever get old for me :)

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