Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday on a Deserted Island

Today's topic of choice is...
Top 2 Things (not people) you would take to a deserted island
I would definitely be taking my hammock! I'm not a girl scout or brownie who knows how to pitch a tent or make a fort out of sticks and leaves :) I need some sort of comfort! Maybe if I'm lucky I could find a palm tree for shade or a cave for protection from a Tropical Storm, lol.

hammock Pictures, Images and Photos

And of course I'd pack my Blackberry, it's like my computer..but better! *I wonder how good service and reception is on that island?* :) I would make sure to have a full battery of course...or even an extra, also. At least I'd still have somewhat connection to the world; blogs, facebook, twitter. Wifi anyone?!

computer on a deserted island comic Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. Good choices! :) Haven't been in the blogging swing lately but had to stop by and say hello.

  2. I'd take my laptop and my ipod...I'm hoping there's food on the island right? But what a tough choice. I can't sleep on the ground or in a hammock and I can have a bed if I can only have two things. Yike, life would be kinda tough.

  3. Just found you with Follow Me Back Tuesday-- LOVE your blog! Hoping you'll follow me back!:)

  4. Thanks for the follow. I am following you back. Can't wait to read more. You are such a beautiful bride!!


  5. Stopping by from top 2 tuesday! Love your blog!

  6. Cute blog! Following back :)

