As I mentioned before, I'm unsure of what I want to do at this point in my life in regards to employment. Right now, I work in retail, and I'm not very happy with it. I've given some thought about changing jobs and put out my resume to a couple child care facilities. There are so pros and cons with working at both jobs, however. My husband has received an awesome opportunity to work with a company I know we'll love. Not to mention the fact he's getting a huge pay increase! With his awkward hours (4 days a week, 12-1030), I can't really decide where I want to be. I'm thinking that if I stay at my job now I'll have more time with him and maybe get days off when he gets days off. If I were to go to a daycare, I'm looking at 8hrs a day Monday thru Friday. Now don't get me wrong, it's an ideal schedule....I just don't want to miss out on quality time with the hubs. With that job, we're looking at 4 hours tops with him in the evening, and one day with him on the weekends. If one of yall are in this situation, please tell me how you make it'd be greatly appreciated.
Speaking of putting my resume out there, I received a call today from one of them and I have an interview scheduled for tomorrow. It's a closer location and the setting is nice. I'd love to be able to put K in an awesome environment and not have to leave him with the in laws all the time. I'm hoping it'll work out and I'll get the job. Please, keep me in your thoughts and prayers..that all goes smooth tomorrow. I'm thinking that if I don't get this job, I'll most likely stay with retail. However, I'm determined to make the most out of either situation and SHINE!
I have yet to hop on the ball and get this stART fun in motion. I'm hoping to make a trip to the library tomorrow and pick up some books for the kiddo and have fun with arts and crafts! I'm determined to get motivated, I love fun times with my little man :) He enjoyed a little finger painting 4th of July weekend, and if he knew what I had planned...he'd be one happy boy. If he could, he would paint every day all day. He keeps seeing the paints and brushes and paper lying around, and in this cute and innocent voice he proceeds to tell me "Imma paint Mama, I wanna paint with my finngers!" I just love this kid.
A few other things I'm determined to do:
~Kick my Frappe habit...or at least knock the weekly number down :)
~Order an official copy of my marriage license so I can get my driver's licence....Finally!
~Go see Eclipse. I've seen preview after preview, guest appearance of actors from the saga's just torture I tell you! And if you'd like to know, I'm Team Switzerland ;)
~Mail out those cutesy invites to family and friends...but first, gotta hit up the Post Office for Stamps...and hey, while I'm there, finally fill out a change of address form!
~Get our adorable pup, Gracie, to potty outside on the leash (anyone know any tips or advice?) She was my mom's dog and she's used to just being let outside to roam leash free in their backyard. I can't get her to go on the leash for the life of me! I finally got her to eat, so that's one less task to force on her!
~ Blog better this week. I need to get back on my Blog Horse. I fell off last week and I'm ready for the ride this time. Next up, Tuesday Hoppin'
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