Saturday, August 21, 2010

Find Myself

These past couple of weeks have been the pretty hard on me. I'm beaten down, but not yet past need repair....and I'm thankful for that. I know I can be a strong person and I will get through this. But why does it have to hurt so bad? Why do we say such cruel things? I really need to find myself....

I need to do something good with my life. I'm doing my best with raising our son, at least I like to think I am. I tried my best at being a great wife. Now I just need to DO my best in being me! But who am I?

I'm a mother, a daughter...a sister, an aunt....a grand daughter, a niece.
I'm a Christian. I'm a lover and a fighter. I'm a believer!

I'm a high school drop out, with a diploma, however.
I have no desire to go back to school, hence the drop out.
----Does that make me less of a role model....a good mom? I don't see it that way

I have desires, hobbies, dreams...but where will they lead me?
I need to do something good with my life...I want to do good!

I've recently purchased "Eat Pray Love" and I'm hoping to start it this weekend. I'm hoping it's the kind of book I need right now. Call it self-help, call it motivation. I need this.

In the next couple of years, things are going to change drastically. I'm hoping that I change, too. The desires and dreams I hope to make a reality.

I would love to do something for charity...whether it be to run a race for a disease or donate.
I want to sponsor a Compassion child and share the extra love I have with them.
I want to be a teacher again and help children learn and grow. It's the best part!
I want to start photographing again and include scriptures with the photographs...
Nothing is better than seeing God's handy work through a verse and nature!

With an ending approaching, another book begins. I'm working on the chapters now and I'm hoping for the Happily Ever After this time.

But first, I need to find myself!


  1. Hey Heather! Check out The Happiness Project too... I liked it even better than Eat Pray Love.


  2. You just need a little time to get over this - you'll be fine. Your head and heart are in the right place and when it's time - you'll put legs on those wishes and make all your dreams come true. Your little boy is lucku to have you. Maybe you shouldn't try to please everyone and be a little kinder to yourself? But who knows - except you, right? Smiles

