Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This week over at iHeartFaces , the theme is Contemplative.

definition: thoughtful observation; full or deep consideration; dreamily or wistfully thoughtful: a pensive mood; expressing or revealing thoughtfulness; quiet modes of apparent or real thought; can be marked by some sadness, but doesn't have to be."

This picture of Kainen was taken this past weekend, during a break of our family photo shoot. There were so many dogs around & he ran up to each and every one of them and just hugged and loved each one. In attempts to distract him & tear him away from the pup, he eased every so slowly towards the trunk of the tree...deep in thought, deciding his next move! You had to have been there to know what was going through his mind. Of course, in my mind, he was definitely thinking of a way to just stay there all day & chat with the lovely canine that lies under that tree. This is definitely one of my most favorite shots of Kainen.
He's a great specimen, but I'm partial :-)