Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Full Time to Part Time

Today is the day I go from a Full Time stay at home Mom to a part timer!! It's a sad day in my world. I know that K will be ok, because he's got his Daddy around. I'm happy to know that he'll be in good hands while I'm at work. I know that my time away at work will make the time with my family even more precious! I've been up since 8am; I got dressed for work and was ready to go around 11. I knew I wanted to spend as much time with my boys as possible before I had to leave, plus it made for an easy rushing around. Today is just a four hour shift, pretty much teaching me how to do everything all over again. Before I left Stride Rite the last time, they were just upgrading their that will be something I need to learn how to operate. As for general customer service, feet measuring, and stockroom...I'm pretty much good to go! It's a complete and total bummer that today is BEAUTIFUL out and I'm stuck inside. Go figure. It's been raining every day since Friday, pretty today, and then it's supposed to rain again through the weekend starting tomorrow. Of course, this is how it will go. There will be beautiful days where I'm sad to be working and then there will be days where it's completely nasty out and I'll be glad to go to work. I will find a happy medium. I'm hoping that me starting work will take my mind off a couple things and come to peace with some stuff. We still have yet to find our puppy and I'm still a mess when people ask me if everything is whatever you do, don't ask!!
In less than 3 hours I will be working the sales floor at my new job...Wish me luck :)

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